Molecule error started happening for role dependency

I have a repo of an ansible role tested with molecule for some years now. Without a real change, my tests started failing on August 2023 when I import my role due to its dependencies on meta/main.yml.

For some reason I get the error:

  TASK [Include staticdev.python_developer] **************************************
  ERROR! the role 'staticdev.pyenv' was not found in ansible.legacy:/home/runner/work/ansible-role-python-developer/ansible-role-python-developer/staticdev.python_developer/molecule/default/roles:/home/runner/.cache/molecule/staticdev.python_developer/default/roles:/home/runner/work/ansible-role-python-developer/ansible-role-python-developer:/home/runner/.ansible/roles:/usr/share/ansible/roles:/etc/ansible/roles:/home/runner/work/ansible-role-python-developer/ansible-role-python-developer:/home/runner/work/ansible-role-python-developer/ansible-role-python-developer/staticdev.python_developer/molecule/default
  The error appears to be in '/home/runner/work/ansible-role-python-developer/ansible-role-python-developer/staticdev.python_developer/meta/main.yml': line 37, column 5, but may
  be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
  The offending line appears to be:
    - name: staticdev.pyenv
      ^ here

The role exists on Ansible Galaxy with correct version. This error only happens on Github Actions, but not locally. I do not really understand why, but on my path locally molecule can find staticdev.pyenv and can import statically. Do I need to add anything extra to install the requirements?

I tried found a change in the docs for syntax of role-file to requirements-file, but both syntaxes give the same failure:

  name: galaxy
    requirements-file: requirements.yml

Does anyone has an idea?