Module no longer supplying defaults?

On 5/10 @ 12:11 P.M. my AWX instance suddenly changed its own behavior. I can find no changes anywhere in the system. A job that had run hundreds of times, always successfully, suddenly started failing every time. The cause of failure is that 2 variables for which the module supplies default values were suddenly only getting null values, not the necessary defaults. I was able to restore the system to function by explicitly setting those variables in my plays, but what happened? Why do the modules no longer provide the defaults?

Is this a behavior anyone else has seen?

The module is: bigip_cli_script

“changed”: false,
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“name”: “get_oauth_client.tcl”,
“content”: “proc script::run {} {puts stdout "Ran to completion"\n}”,
“provider”: {
“server”: “10.xx.xx.198”,
“validate_certs”: false,
“server_port”: null,
“user”: “ansible”,
“transport”: “rest”,
“timeout”: null,
“no_f5_teem”: null,
“auth_provider”: null
“state”: “present”,
“partition”: “Common”,
“description”: null
“ansible_facts”: {
“discovered_interpreter_python”: “/usr/bin/python3”
“_ansible_no_log”: null

The variables in the provider section, server_port and no_f5_teem, have been null for months. The module should supply the values “443” and “yes” to those two variables, but it suddenly quit doing so. When I supply those two variables to the play, it runs like a champ.

There were no project updates done at that time. The nodes did not restart. There were no changes to the project even to update. The OpenShift cluster on which it’s running did not change. I cannot think of any reason for it to behave differently.

Thank you,


This is very strange indeed. From the docs, it looks like server_port should still be defaulting to 443. We did a quick check and there hasn’t been a release of the module for 21 days so we’re guessing its not an update to the module.
But your question feels like it might be more of an Ansible issue than AWX. Maybe try posting in to see if anyone has an idea as to why a modules behavior would change like described?

-The AWX Team

I thought Ansible, too, and went there first. No joy.

I updated 50 plays to force the defaults, and everything is happy now … except me. :slight_smile:

I could embed the data in the inventory, but I’d have to rewrite the plays anyway and bigger. I’ll do that at some point.

Thanks for looking in.
