Missing python 'requests' package in AWX EE (latest)


I was using AWX EE (latest) and everything was ok. But when I ran the playbook today, I received the errorFAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"}, "changed": false, "msg": "This module requires the python 'requests' package. Try pip install requests."}. Then I switched the EE to AWX EE (24.6.1), and the playbook executed successfully.

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I just downloaded awx-ee:latest via docker pull quay.io/ansible/awx-ee:latest a few minutes ago and it looks like the requests package is back there. It’s worth noting that the image tagged latest lists as being modified an hour ago on quay.io, whereas your post originated four hours ago, so perhaps someone caught the error and corrected it.

At any rate, this seems like a not-common but also not-rare occurence in the awx-ee:latest image. Some package will be omitted and then added back in. I’m not really sure why AWX relies on that tag by default as it’s generally against kubernetes best practices to use :latest for images. I see that there’s been some movement in the project to move away from this, and that’s a welcome change to me personally.

In the interim, my solution is that I find a version of awx-ee around the time coinciding with an AWX upgrade, mirror it internally, and then edit the CRD in AWX to use that internally-mirrored version. Also, I build out my own execution environments internally and use those for my playbook runs as they’re a bit more predictable since I have full control over that process.

Hope this info is helpful in some way.