Missing license headers on module_utils subdirectories, read only if you've added things there

Hi all,

Just a quick note that we noticed some license headers were missing on a few files in the module_utils/ directory. All files in this directory should be BSD.

For those that created a new file (for instance rax.py, though I’ve already discussed this with @sivel), I am proposing we add the proper BSD header to these files.

While the core modules in Ansible are GPLv3, the module_utils code being BSD allows people to have less question about whether modules they privately create are their own property and can be of whatever license they like (remember this does not apply to core modules, which have GPLv3 headers).

This applies only to the code in the module_utils/ subdirectory of Ansible.

If you did not create a file in module_utils/, this email does not apply to you.

This should not be a surprise given module_utils/basic already contains this header, but if you have written things here and have concerns, let me know.
