Meeting Log | Ansible Docs | 2024-05-21 15:12:30

Ansible Documentation aka Dawgs MEeting | Ansible Docs |

Meeting started by at 2024-05-21 15:12:30

Meeting summary

  1. TOPIC: Documentation Updates (, 15:12:47)
    1. LINK: (, 15:13:29)
    2. INFO: muni techwriters have closed 12 issues (and one more pending the PR approval) (, 15:14:09)
    3. INFO: a good selection of issues with some complexity as well (, 15:15:44)
  2. TOPIC: moving the docs repo (, 15:21:21)
    1. INFO: reaching out to core to see if there is still a need for a docs split (, 15:24:20)
  3. TOPIC: Open Floor (, 15:25:25)
    1. INFO: our issues queue is growing so please consider picking something to help out - (, 15:27:02)
    2. LINK: (, 15:34:51)
    3. INFO: when the workflow to deploy the package docs gets integrated (still waiting on approvals), we'll be able to push generated HTML and other assets to the `ansible-community/package-doc-builds` repo where it will get published on readthedocs (, 15:35:56)
    4. LINK: (, 15:39:36)
    5. INFO: please do feel free to review the workflow to deploy doc builds (, 15:39:58)

Meeting ended at 2024-05-21 15:55:09

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. (52)
  2. (50)
  3. (11)
  4. (8)
  5. (4)
  6. (2)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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