Meeting Log | Ansible Docs | 2023-11-14 16:00:46

DaWGs aka Documentation Working Group | Ansible Docs |

Meeting started by at 2023-11-14 16:00:46

Meeting summary

  1. TOPIC: Documentation updates (, 16:03:16)
    1. INFO: looking for help with creating an ansible command cheatsheet - (, 16:06:42)
    2. INFO: Ansible 9 docs preparation starting (, 16:09:57)
    3. LINK: (, 16:10:32)
    4. INFO: looking for help with docs issues in general - (, 16:12:03)
  2. TOPIC: Docs tooling (, 16:14:51)
    1. INFO: we are at a tooling FREEZE phase - no updates to ci or docs tooling versions etc until after Ansible 9 releases. So let's not merge those PRs for a couple of weeks. (, 16:16:00)
  3. TOPIC: Open Floor (, 16:19:36)

Meeting ended at 2023-11-14 16:24:58

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. (41)
  2. (4)
  3. (3)
  4. (2)
  5. (1)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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