Meeting Log | Ansible Docs | 2024-01-23 16:00:56

DaWGs aka Documentation Working Group | Ansible Docs |

Meeting started by at 2024-01-23 16:00:56

Meeting summary

  1. TOPIC: supporting a TW project through docs issues (, 16:03:45)
    1. INFO: a group of students at a university in Brno, Czech are working on a technical writing course and are looking to contribute to some open-source projects (, 16:05:05)
    2. INFO: I've been in touch with the course instructor who would like us to submit a few doc issues for the students to take on and sharpen their skills plus make some contributions to our docs (, 16:06:08)
    3. ACTION: Don to label issues for Brno uni students and share with the docs room (, 16:17:50)
  2. TOPIC: running this meeting (, 16:18:30)
    1. INFO: samccann not available next week so looking for volunteers to run the DaWGs meeting on Jan 30 (, 16:18:52)
    2. INFO: will look to share the role of running the meeting more often to meeting attendees (, 16:21:59)
  3. TOPIC: General Updates (, 16:22:30)
    1. INFO: no movement yet on the large RST file rendering problem at Github (, 16:22:54)
    2. INFO: looking for eyes on some converted blog posts - (, 16:29:47)
  4. TOPIC: Open Floor (, 16:35:31)
    1. LINK: as was shared in the social channel this morning, GH have given more cpu resources to runners: (, 16:37:27)
    2. INFO: we can now build package docs with GH actions! 🎉 (, 16:37:44)

Meeting ended at 2024-01-23 16:47:18

Action items

  1. Don to label issues for Brno uni students and share with the docs room

People present (lines said)

  1. (58)
  2. (32)
  3. (19)
  4. (9)
  5. (6)
  6. (3)
  7. (2)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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