Mas installation ansible commands


I am trying to run playbook cp4d.yml but getting error - "ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: No module named ‘mas’

Not sure about what this means and how to proceed. Any ideas or thoughts?

Hi @Poonam, can you share the contents of that playbook, or where you got it from?

As a guess, this error often means you’re missing a python module that the playbook or collection requires. So, whatever provides mas is likely missing.

I am running ansible-playbook ibm.mas-devops.cp4d. You may be right about python version as I do have python 3.9 and 3.11 in my system. How can I resolve this error?

I think this local install information from their documentation might be what you’re looking for.

If this is indeed the product you’re installing, they do recommend python 3.11 (but note that any supported python version should work).

Thanks, I did solved partially. I have seen that link earlier but was missing few things.