I’ve just finished creating a system to manage my dns zone files with ansible and I was hoping I could get some feedback on how I handled it. My solution feels unelegant, so I’m curious how other folks would (or do) handle this.
I’ve attached a copy of my playbook, a plugin and some example, made-up, data yaml files.
My biggest challenge was dealing with dynamically generated data. EG the reverse dns zone for the 192.168.0/24 subnet is 0.168.192.in-addr.arpa and I found that difficult to handle (in that case I just did it manually and stuck it in the yaml data files).
Anyway, I’d love to know how other folks handle things like this. How much do you do in a playbook? How much do you handle with plugins? Should I have skipped playbooks altogether and written an ansible runner subclass? Should I have gone the other direction and done something to automate the population of my playbook and/or yaml data files?
Thanks for any feedback.
And big thanks for ansible!
update_dns.tar.gz (5.24 KB)