Lots of random MODULE FAILUREs without extra information

Hi all,

Since upgrading to AWX 21.0.0, we get lots of random module failures.

It is quite random, and on lots of different kinds of tasks:

“module_stdout”: “”,
“module_stderr”: “”,
“msg”: “MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error”,
“rc”: -13,
“_ansible_no_log”: false,
“changed”: false

Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? And is there a setting I can tune to see the underlaying error?


Hey Jachim,

When I encountered this error, I checked the “Details” job, and saw that it was “Missing resource” next to Execution Environment. Then I looked at the project that should have been pulled/updated and that task failed, which I guess lead to the EE missing and the the error in the actual task.

Do you see a similar thing on your end?


yup had that similar error.
It was caused due to python, galaxy dependencies. you need to add dependencies inside execution environment and then add that EE in your org, project and templates.
these links can help you.


Thanks for the answers. But I’m afraid it isn’t the problem I’m having.

It occurs in long jobs with (for instance) 40 hosts and 2678 tasks, with 1 random taks showing this error.
