Lost all history of ansible role after delete of a another role

This is another thread that got lost among all the other ones, apologies for that.

I’ve corrected the roles mentioned via the following steps:

  1. ansible-galaxy role import --role-name=gitlab-runner riemers ansible-gitlab-runner … this brought the riemers.gitlab-runner role back into the system with all of it’s versions.
  2. In the database, I set the download count for the role to 982975 based on the value in old-galaxy.
  3. Deleted the bad role via curl … curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: token MYTOKEN' https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/v1/roles/37080/

I think that leaves us in the state you asked for in this post …


Things to keep in mind …

We’ve revamped the backend import code to allow the --role-name parameter to work correctly AND for you to be able to set the value for the name and the namespace in meta/main.yml

In this case, you should always pass --role-name=gitlab-runner for your imports.

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