Anisble , Jinja2 create list of hashes


I am using Ansible 2.0.0 devel version and i want to create list of hashes in my playbook.

For example i have one variable jkl11 with structure:

debug msg={{ jkl11 }}] ******************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: [

I and want to do loop and search only for “app” and create list of hashes with this structure stored in one variable (for example jkl22)

“created”: “2015-12-29”,
“name”: “app”,
“id”: “e0c9cf47-00f2-4909-84a5-d3db7cbf61f3”


“created”: “2015-12-29”,
“name”: “app”,
“id”: “0b3d86bb-8acb-4d27-8d51-8a44995bc0e0”


I tried to do this by:

  • set_fact:
    jkl22: “{{ jkl22|default({})|combine({‘created’: item.2, ‘name’: item.1, ‘id’: item.0}) }}”
    with_items: jkl11
    when: item.1 == “app”

But i got only the last one.:

debug msg={{ jkl22 }}] **********
ok: [localhost] => {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: {
“created”: “2015-12-29”,
“name”: “app”,
“id”: “0b3d86bb-8acb-4d27-8d51-8a44995bc0e0”

How can i do this?
