Loop over two lists variables in inventory file via jinja2 -- similar to zip() function in python

my inventory file is like below with more additional group_vars and host_vars that I havent mentioned here for simplicity:
I dont want to use host_vars as of now.

host1 var1=‘[“hi” , “xy”]’ var2=[435345, 3425634]
host1 var2=‘[“asd” , “er”]’ var2=[212, 456]

host1 var3=‘[“zxc” , “ghhj”]’ var2=[567, 80]

host1 var4=‘[“hi” , “hhj”]’ var2=[435, 980]

Im trying to create a yml file out of this via jinja2

{{% for host in groups[‘qa’] %}}
host: {{ host }}
{{% for i,j in zip(var1,var2) %}} → Im not sure how to achieve something like this in jinja2. Can someone please guide?
app: {{ i }
port: {{ j }}

Just to add/explain more.

The jinja2 template with create an yaml with two stanzas per host, with first stanza containing first value of var1 n var2

And second stanza with second value of var1 n var2.

So entire yaml generated in this way will have two stanza per host

Just to add/explain more.

The jinja2 template should create an yaml with two stanzas per host, with first stanza containing first value of var1 n var2

And second stanza with second value of var1 n var2.

So entire yaml generated in this way will have two stanza per host