I would like to loop on items in an inventory group with the module Route53
I tried to methods but both failed, if you have any idea, it would be really appreciated 
Method 1:
- route53:
command: create
overwrite: True
zone: “{{ slaves_dns_zone }}”
record: “{{ item | regex_replace(‘/.’, ‘-’) }}.{{ slaves_dns_record }}”
type: PTR
ttl: 300
value: “{{ item }}”
with_items: groups[‘slaves-private’]
msg: unsupported parameter for module: with_items
Method 2:
- include: route53-unique-slave.yml item=item
with_dict: groups[‘mesos-slaves’]
ERROR: [DEPRECATED]: include + with_items is a removed deprecated feature. Please update your playbooks.
Then, I’m a bit out if idea 
Thank you in advance!
Never had to deal with Amazon stuff but here my 2 cents: your first method fails because of wrong indentation:
I would like to loop on items in an inventory group with the module Route53
I tried to methods but both failed, if you have any idea, it would be really appreciated 
Method 1:
- route53:
command: create
overwrite: True
zone: “{{ slaves_dns_zone }}”
record: “{{ item | regex_replace(‘/.’, ‘-’) }}.{{ slaves_dns_record }}”
type: PTR
ttl: 300
value: “{{ item }}”
with_items: groups[‘slaves-private’]
msg: unsupported parameter for module: with_items
You need to outdent the with_items clause, otherwise you state it is part of route53 arguments. Here a working example:
- name: important basic packages
name: “{{ item }}”
state: present
- strace
- screen
- less
- man-db
- wget
OK, it worked, thank you => FACEPALM