collectively querying/combining results of the setup and ec2_facts modules

Greetings everyone!

For a given reason, I need to handle some Route53 records for my EC2’s EIPs.
The instances are part of the [all] group in my hosts file.

Obviously, the ‘setup’ module is not aware of EIPs. But the ec2_facts module is.

Right now, I’m trying to wrap my head around this design, although there will soon be a VPN tunnel that’s gonna simply render Ansible to interact with a Bind server, thus making this whole playbook obsolete, but nevertheless, something nice to have around.

I know I could probably achieve what I want with an external inventory tool like but I want to see first if I can do it the “normal” way.

I only need to touch one zone in Route53, essentially by creating/updating an A record like so:


  • name: updating Route53 records
    hosts: localhost
    connection: local
    gather_facts: False

if we have the records, replace them if they do not match. if we don’t have them, just create them.

  • local_action: route53 command=create record={{ ??ansible_hostname?? }} type=A value={{ ??item.ansible_ec2_public_ipv4?? }} overwrite=yes ttl=300
    with_items: facts
    register: dnsrec_update

  • name: showing the results of the create task
    debug: var=dnsrec_update


The above would be included by the following:


Never mind that erroneous include. It’s now properly aligned and Ansible doesn’t get surprised anymore by what I’m including :slight_smile: