Logging of all variables, but without those which originated from vault files

There are several ways to “log” variables - some are planned and some are not planned, like here:

I am referring to this method, a planned and explicit one:

- name: "Display all known variables and facts of the play for the current target host: name = {{ ansible_host }}, alias = {{ inventory_hostname }} "
    var: hostvars[inventory_hostname]
  tags: always

It gives me a complete picture of the entire script setup. Super useful when you use multiple inventory files, multiple host groups with multiple hosts per group.
The deployer, by simply looking at the log and the code, would be able to recreate the entire run time execution of the script and quickly figure out wrong var values, overwritten vars, etc.
But it is a little bit too complete since it would show variable values that were defined in vault files…

OK, so I already read a couple of Ansible developers saying “Ansible does not track the origin of the variable”…
Is there any workaround this? any way to “intervene” in the way that hostvars gets generated, so in parallel fill up another dictionary that wont hold vars that originate in vault files?
Is this dictionary actually composed from other dictionaries that I can access directly - which are specifically do not arise from vault files?

No, after processing the vault, there is no difference and it is
treated as a normal variable file which is then merged into the
variable dictionary.