Log management with ansible


At the moment, we’re running a small ansible project, using its native log file.
However, since we use a lot of roles, this execution log becomes particularly difficult to read. So we came up with an idea, good or bad, you tell me. :slight_smile:

Is it possible that instead of an output file, I get a new file every time I enter an input-role? This would allow me to quickly (I hope) see when I’ve lost a machine and why.
It could also be a module for log management, a bit like printf.

I hope I’ve made myself clear

Thank you for your insights into better management

A custom callback plugin is probably a better option.

Ansible ARA is something I keep meaning to look into, as it seems to provide robust logging/lookup features.

I have no experience with it - it is something people keep mentioning, and something on my list to eventually look into.

Thanks, I’ll have a look at your links

Have a nice day