Load balance the workload across multiple instances in Instance group

Currently we use AWX 24.6.0 with operator 2.19.0 version. We have configured several servers as instance with Node Type as execution. We use this instance to run our Tasks, as it has the connectivity to the target servers.

Now we are creating workflow templates with parallel execution flows. And Below are the observations.

In the Workflow we have nearly 30+ templates integrated and when we trigger this Work flow template, we have configured the instance group as part of the inventory.

Now the instance group has 4 instances (execution node).

Instance_group_1 : instance_A, instance_B, instance_C and instance_D

What we have observed is that when the workflow is triggered, all the job templates are assigned to only one instance (execution node) and doesn’t get assigned to others.

The only scenario what we have seen is, if the assigned instance (execution node) goes does, the job template gets assigned to other instance (execution node).

What we are looking for is, if the load can be equally distributed across the 4 instance (execution node ) that is part of the instance group. Making the whole execution of the workflow template quicker.

You might look into something called job slicing. This has worked effectively in our environment.

@nsavich let me explore and share the results. Thanks for suggesting.

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