This playbook is not running. Can anyone tell me why?
Running on Linux CentOS 6.6
ansible 2.6.4
ansible-playbook -i hosts plays/sudoers.yml -u ansible-user
- name: add groups to sudoers
hosts: all
- name:
lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers regexp=“^root(\s+)ALL=(ALL)(\s+)ALL” insertafter=“^root” line=‘{{ item }}’ state=present backup=yes backrefs=yes
- ‘%admin\tALL=(ALL:ALL)\tALL’
- ‘%users\tALL=(ALL:ALL)\tALL’
tags: sudoers
Could you be more precise than "playbook is not running"?
What does that mean?
When i run the play the result shows
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************
xxx-test-noc : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
This means it did run, and successfully as well, because no changes
were required (i.e. things are at their desired state).