lineinfile in lxc_container?

Hi all,

I'm using ansible to set up lxc containers, using delegation to the container host.

One task looks like this:

- name: add ansible user to sudoers
     dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ inventory_hostname }}/rootfs/etc/sudoers"
     state: present
     regexp: "^ansible"
     line: 'ansible ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
     insertafter: '^root'
     validate: '/usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s'
   delegate_to: "{{ container_host }}"
   when: start_container|bool

That has been working fine, until I tried to create a debian bullseye container on a buster host. Unfortunately, the sudoers format has changed slightly, so the buster visudo won't accept the bullseye sudoers file (#includedir is now @includedir).

I tried giving the path to the bullseye visudo, but it's dynamically linked and doesn't work on the buster system.

I could potentially use the lxc_container module to run a command in the container, but that means I lose lineinfile, and have to do more stuff manually.

Or I could use my temporary workaround, and just assume my sudoers file is ok, and skip validation.

Another option is to add an extra lineinfile task (before that one) to replace @includedir with #includedir, since it's backwards compatible, but that seems too hackish.

Any other suggestions?
