I just posted my question on stackoverflow. Figured I will post here as well in hopes someone here can help.
I have a need to know the index of host names in the inventory. I am using the below code to create a variable file that I can use in a subsequent play book
- name: Debug me
hosts: hosts
- debug: msg="{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- debug: msg="{{ play_hosts.index(inventory_hostname) }}"
- local_action: 'lineinfile create=yes dest=/tmp/test.conf
line="host{{ play_hosts.index(inventory_hostname) }}=
{{ inventory_hostname }}"'
I have the following inventory file
Now when I run this, the test.conf that gets generated under /tmp sometimes has both hostnames like this
host1= my.host2.com
host0= my.host1.com
when I run the same playbook a few times each time emptying the test.conf before running. quite a few times the file only has one entry
host1= my.host2.com
host0= my.host1.com
how come the same ansible playbook behaving differently? Please help. As you probably can already tell, I am new to ansible and trying from different examples that I have found online.