Limit AWX Operator and instances installation to a given namespace


Going through AWX Operator and posts it appears that the operator installs CR/CRDs into ‘default’ namespace by default. I believe it’s possible to create AWX instance in a different namespace after that.
Would like to know how to limit the operator and instance to a specific namespace as we don’t allow any dev teams to use the default namespace, avoid that route if possible.
I saw few PRs and posts but not clear on the timeline when this feature will be released.
Let me know if anyone has come across any manual configuration to make that work until we have an official approach from AWX team.


I actually found a kustomize github repository that installs it in awx namespace

Have a look at the kustomize yaml file that you can deploy to any cluster (will work even if it is not k3s) just need a modern kubernetes cluster

Look at this for a fuller example with the namespace

Thank you very much. I was looking at that git repo but didn’t get to all details, this is helpful to keep all custom configuration in one or more files.