I saw there is a module[1] that you can use to create a
letsencrypt cert. How do you use it to renew said certificate?
[1] https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/acme_certificate_module.html#acme-certificate-module
I saw there is a module[1] that you can use to create a
letsencrypt cert. How do you use it to renew said certificate?
[1] https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/acme_certificate_module.html#acme-certificate-module
I saw there is a module[1] that you can use to create a
letsencrypt cert. How do you use it to renew said certificate?
exactly the same as for getting a certificate in the first place. There
is no explicit "renew" operation in the ACME protocol.
You can use the module to only start obtaining a certificate if the
current certificate doesn't exist or is expiring in less than N days
(see the remaining_days option), or you can use it to always obtain a
certificate (see the force option).
To see how to write your role/playbook so that a renewal is only made
if the module wants to obtain a certificate, look for `register:
sample_com_challenge` and `when: sample_com_challenge is changed` in
the examples section.
You could use certbot commands as alternative to this module. A proper certbot setup will
take care of renewals (but I recommend to monitor them).