LDAP login not working (AWX 15.0.1)


Really hoping someone can help me diagnose and fix this issue. I have configured LDAP login on my AWX server 15.0.1, but it does not let an LDAP account login to the server. After entering the credentials and pressing the submit button, it takes about 30 secs for the error message “Invalid username and/or password. Please try again.” to load.

Here are the logs I see in the “awx_web” container:

Note: {username} and {ommitted} below replace actual values for privacy.

This is your Answer
user does not satisfy AUTH_LDAP_REQUIRE_GROUP

User does not belong to the group you specified

Please see the log lines below that line where the user is found in the next LDAP MT group, and AWX attempts to create and populate a user.

2021-04-20 02:54:17,533 DEBUG django_auth_ldap Authentication failed for {username} : user does not satisfy AUTH_LDAP_REQUIRE_GROUP

Perhaps that message fits… Your authentication is not right or not mapped correctly.

I don’t think you have read the entire log or my message carefully. Please do so before replying.

Can anyone else help?