we have a huge application consisting of several components (Apache, Tomcat, Weblogic, …Database)
To shutdown the system properly we want to follow a sequence starting at the “top” (Apache) down to the backend (Database)
For launching the system we do the reverse order - starting at the database and the UI (or interfaces) will be the last components launched.
For each component we have separate deployment playbooks with tags “stop” and “start”.
Do i have to create 2 playbooks for the launch/shutdown than like?
- include “apache.yml”
- include “tomcat.yml”
- include “servers.yml”
- include “databaseyml”
and anotherone like
- include “databaseyml”
- include “servers.yml”
- include “tomcat.yml”
- include “apache.yml”
Or is there any option to have only one playbook where I can toggle the order of the included playbooks?
Thanx for any ideas,