I am new in ansible and want to create a playbook that stop /start a full platform


I am new with ansible and will try to automate the whole stop/start procedure of a platform but I don’t know how to start:
this is the sequence:

  1. stop all client applications on appserver1,appserver2, appserver3, appserver4

  2. stop the Linux servers (poweroff) appserver1, appserver2, appserver3, appserver4 on Vmware

  3. stop apps on the master servers mainserver1, mainserver2

  4. stop Linux ( poweroff) of the masterservers on Vmware
    and when the same to start the application platform, but I think that I need two playbooks to stop and to start the platform?

my Idea was something like this :


  • name: automatic STOP Application platform
    hosts: MDC
    sudo: True

User defined variables for infrastructure

  • infra-vars.yml

Infrastructure passwords

#- secrets.yml


but can I define different servers for the different roles on central inventory ?

because this need to be usable for a development environment, preproduction environment and production environment. and each environment has his own servers …

thanks to help me,


You can have multiple plays inside one playbook. This lets you target different groups of servers - something like this:
