Lack of response to pull requests


I have 2 pending pull requests:
submitted 1.5 months ago
submitted 3 weeks ago

One submitted 1.5 ago at least got initial comment (like it was
before), but otherwise, stuck in the queue for longer than it was

And more recent one didn't even get comments, the only activity I see
is that labels were assigned.

I understand that volume of patches to the project is likely increased
as project grows, and it calls for some prioritization and thus delays.
But I hope there're some guidelines re: what assigned priorities mean,
and what turnaround times can be expected. I'd appreciate a reference.


Do keep in mind that those pull requests are tagged as ‘P3’. Currently, due to the backlog of P1/P2 issues/pull requests, the Ansible team is currently focused on higher priority bugs and issues.

Once the P1/P2 queue has been tackled, you will likely see P3 issues being taken care of and so on.

In general just be patient, turn around time is based on priority, so I don’t think it is necessarily a good idea to provide timeframes.

I also have a pending pull request, and so far I've been taking it for
granted that its being tagged meant that someone will come back to it
at some point, even if it takes a long time. But I confess to being a
bit concerned about it, so it's good to have confirmation. Thanks.

-- ams

Given that there are 314 pull requests and 587 issues open you have to assume that there is a lot of work going on. I do remember that my own PR for a minor change (adding AIX support to the cron module) took several months, and had to be rewritten due to changes between 1.4 when I first drew it up and 1.6 when it was included… They will get to it. You might want to make sure that you keep tracking devel so that it still applies cleanly or that you can provide a working alternative when it does happen.

I hope that this helps,


Hi everyone,

Yes, we’re busy!

Ansible was one of the top projects last year for number of Open Source Contributors on GitHub - #5 behind such projects as Rails, Angular.js, and Homebrew.

There are a LOT of pull requests incoming.

We are going to prioritize based on fixing the bugs and issues that affect the most people first, and we do test every pull request. Not that we don’t trust all of you, but we don’t :slight_smile:

As such, there is an ordering and a queue, and it may take some times to get things in.

While I love Django, some work in Django space takes 5 years to get in, so don’t be too perturbed about something taking a few months.

Also, I’d ask that everyone not ask about a particular PR, as well, while we are all unique special snowflakes, we’re kind of following a “Spock from Star Trek 2” theme here.

i.e. “The Good of the Many Outweighs the Needs of the Few, or the One” – which I probably horribly misquoted :slight_smile:

FWIW, GitHub is somewhat lame and includes pull requests in the total issue count, so 2/3 of the issue count are pull requests :slight_smile: