Kubernetes CrashLoopBackOff


i have updated awx operator and after that awx is pending in CrashLoopBackOff.
I checked the awx pod with “kubectl describe po -n awx awx-7db9bd74cf-n4np2” and saw that awx-web and awx-task are in CrashLoopBackOff with the Exit Code 127.

Does anybody have some ideas?

Can you provide any more information? Sounds like the image is pulling but the container fails to keep running when it tries to start it.

Can you get the logs from the container when it tries to start?

I’m having the same issue.

Some things I am seeing but not sure what it means:
1 authentication.go:345] Error looking up in-cluster authentication configuration: configmaps “extension-apiserver-authentication” is forbidden: User “system:kube-scheduler” cannot get resource “configmaps” in API group “” in the namespace “kube-system”

Mar 05 13:21:11 minikube kubelet[801]: E0305 13:21:11.273572 801 pod_workers.go:918] “Error syncing pod, skipping” err=“[failed to "StartContainer" for "awx-server-web" with CrashLoopBackOff: "back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=awx-server-web pod=awx-server-7d8fb57c9-svbgq_awx(75967920-1740-46f2-a4e1-bf38fdfa3faf)", failed to "StartContainer" for "awx-server-task" with CrashLoopBackOff: "back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=awx-server-task pod=awx-server-7d8fb57c9-svbgq_awx(75967920-1740-46f2-a4e1-bf38fdfa3faf)"]” pod=“awx/awx-server-7d8fb57c9-svbgq” podUID=75967920-1740-46f2-a4e1-bf38fdfa3faf

Exit code 127 appears to indicate either an incorrect command or path. Do you mind sharing little more info on the set up?
Also above error refers to kube-system namespace, not sure why the operator is trying to install or lookup resources in that ns. Create a separate namespace as mentioned in the documentation and try again.
