I’m trying to map client roles to Keycloak groups using the keycloak_client_rolemapping module, but everytime I run it even with the simplest config it returns the following:
“end_state”: {},
“msg”: "Nothing to do, roles [{‘name’: ‘test-role1’, ‘id’: ‘79026951-da5e-43f8-91de-bb0b03c298aa’}] are correctly mapped with group mygroup. " yet in the Keycloak UI under the group I am trying to map, the client role shows as “Available” not “Assigned”.
Am I missing something? (FWIW, I haven’t been able to figure out how to do this using the REST API either).
Example task in playbook:
- name: Create client role mappings
module: community.general.keycloak_client_rolemapping
auth_client_id: admin-cli
auth_keycloak_url: “{{ KEYCLOAK_AUTH_URL }}”
auth_realm: “{{ KEYCLOAK_REALM }}”
auth_username: “{{ KEYCLOAK_API_USER }}”
auth_password: “{{ KEYCLOAK_API_PASSWORD }}”
realm: “{{ KEYCLOAK_REALM }}”
state: “present”
client_id: “myclient”
group_name: “mygroup”
roles: - name: “test-role1”