KEY: VALUE iterations

What is the best way to loop the below KEY : VALUE ?



  • /home/ansible/sqlvar.yml

  • name: Script
    sql: {{Value}}
    environment: “{{oracle_env}}”
    register: query_result
    connection: local

  • name: Runs statements
    command: $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus -s {{user}}/{{password}}@{{sname}} @/home/ansible/Playbooks/{{sname}}/sql/{{Key}}_revoke.sql
    environment: “{{oracle_env}}”
    register: sqloutput
    connection: local

Try this

    - include_vars:
        file: /home/ansible/sqlvar.yml
        name: scripts
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}"
      loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}"



You helped me Vlado. Thanks again. This works very well.

How will get the value of item.key and item.value to variable

sqlqry = “{{ item.key }}”
sqlid = “{{ item.value }}”

Basically I want to read sqlvar.yml, pass the “select username from dba_users;” to SQLID and “Script1” to SQLQRY one by one.

Declare the vars in the scope of the task. For example

   - debug:
        msg: "{{ sqlqry }}: {{ sqlid }}"
        sqlqry: "{{ item.key }}"
        sqlid: "{{ item.value }}"
      loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}"



Thanks again Vlado. I am struggling with the basics here…

This is my block

  • include_vars:
    file: /home/ansible/Playbooks/Compliance1.yml
    name: scripts
  • debug:
    msg: “{{ sqlqry }}: {{ sqlid }}”
    sqlqry: “{{ item.key }}”
    sqlid: “{{ item.value }}”
    loop: “{{ scripts|dict2items }}”

    - include_vars:
        file: /home/ansible/Playbooks/Compliance1.yml
        name: scripts
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ sqlqry }}: {{ sqlid }}"
        sqlqry: "{{ item.key }}"
        sqlid: "{{ item.value }}"
      loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}"
The Complaince1.yml has the below

Script1: select username from dba_users;
Script2: select name from v$profile;
    "msg": "Script1: select username from dba_users;"
    "msg": "Script2: select name from v$profile;"

My problem is, I don't know how to get the key (like "Script1") and value
(like "select username from dba_users;") to another block as

    - name: Script will revoke
        username: "{{user}}"
        password: "{{password}}"
        service_name: "{{sname}}"
        port: "{{prt}}"
        sqlId: "{{hostnme}}"
        sql: "{{sqlqry}}'

          sqlqry: "{{ item.key }}"
          sqlid: "{{ item.value }}"
        loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}"

Simply append "vars" and "loop".

But I think the above task "oracle_sql" won't work because of attribute
"sql". The documentation says "sql: The sql you want to execute" but
"item.key" is the label of the script. See

Instead, "item.value" is the SQL you want to execute. Correct syntax is
(substitution is not necessary)

      - name: Script will revoke
          username: "{{ user }}"
          password: "{{ password }}"
          service_name: "{{ sname }}"
          port: "{{ prt }}"
          sqlId: "{{ hostnme }}"
          sql: "{{ item.value }}'
        loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}"

    - name: Runs the revoke statements and spool out.
      command: $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus -s {{user}}/{{password}}@{{sname}}
      environment: "{{oracle_env}}"
      register: sqloutput
      connection: local

dtto. Change "sqlid" to "item.key"

      - name: Runs the revoke statements and spool out.
        command: $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus -s {{user}}/{{password}}@{{sname}}
  @/home/ansible/Playbooks/{{sname}}/sql/{{ item.key }}_revoke.sql
        environment: "{{oracle_env}}"
        register: sqloutput
        connection: local
        loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}"



Hello Vlado,
sql works fine actually. No issues with that. I am getting the query results. Here is the result

“msg”: {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: “All items completed”,
“results”: [
“ansible_facts”: {
“discovered_interpreter_python”: “/usr/bin/python”
“ansible_loop_var”: “item”,
“changed”: false,
“failed”: false,
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“host”: “”,
“hostname”: “”,
“mode”: “normal”,
“port”: “1521”,
“script”: null,
“service_name”: “tstdb”,
“sql”: “select name from v$database;”,
“user”: “DBUSER”,
“username”: “DBAUSER”
“item”: {
“key”: “Script1”,
“value”: “select name from v$database;”
“msg”: [

I have jinja template embedded in my play book, it captures the whole json

Thank you so much for your help !!!

  • Anand

  • name: Generate Revoke Statement
    dest: /home/ansible/Playbooks/{{sname}}/sql/{{item.key}}_revoke.sql
    content: |
    spool /home/ansible/Playbooks/{{sname}}/log/{{item.key}}.log
    {% for line in query_result.msg |flatten %}
    {{ line }}
    {% endfor %}
    spool off;
    delegate_to: localhost
    connection: local
    loop: “{{ scripts|dict2items }}”

How do I capture only the query result which is just the username ?

I don't understand what "the query result which is just the username" means.
What result do you expect?

Sorry about that.

Here is what I get as the debug out when I run my loop. I need to parse the JSON and get the hightlighted value to my Jinja template.

“msg”: {
“changed”: false,
“msg”: “All items completed”,
“results”: [
“ansible_facts”: {
“discovered_interpreter_python”: “/usr/bin/python”
“ansible_loop_var”: “item”,
“changed”: false,
“failed”: false,
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“host”: “”,
“hostname”: “”,
“mode”: “normal”,
“port”: “1521”,
“script”: null,
“service_name”: “tstdb”,
“sql”: “select name from v$database;”,
“user”: “DBUSER”,
“username”: “DBUSER”
“item”: {
“key”: “Script1”,
“value”: “select name from v$database;”
“msg”: [

Here is what I get as the debug out when I run my loop. I need to parse the
JSON and get the hightlighted value to my Jinja template.

  I don't see anything highlighted. What am I missing?

Thanks again Vlado

I want to parse the json output and take the values

Here is the json debug output from the playbook I run,

TASK [Display the query results] ************************************************************************************************************
ok: "] => {
“msg”: {
“ansible_loop_var”: “item”,
“changed”: false,
“failed”: false,
“invocation”: {
“module_args”: {
“host”: “”,
“hostname”: “”,
“mode”: “normal”,
“port”: “1521”,
“script”: null,
“service_name”: “tstdb”,
“sql”: “select 'Revoke ’ || privilege || ’ on UTL_FILE from ’ || grantee || ‘;’ from dba_tab_privs where table_name=‘UTL_FILE’ and grantee not like ‘APEX%’ and grantee != ‘CTXSYS’ and grantee != ‘DBSNMP’ order by grantee;”,
“user”: “SYSDBA”,
“username”: “SYSDBA”
“item”: {
“key”: “Script1”,
“value”: “select 'Revoke ’ || privilege || ’ on UTL_FILE from ’ || grantee || ‘;’ from dba_tab_privs where table_name=‘UTL_FILE’ and grantee not like ‘APEX%’ and grantee != ‘CTXSYS’ and grantee != ‘DBSNMP’ and grantee != ‘DMSYS’ and grantee != ‘EXFSYS’ and grantee != ‘MDSYS’ order by grantee;”
“msg”: [

There is nothing to parse. The result is a dictionary with the attributes
listed in "msg". Simply access the attributes of the dictionary to "take the

Thank you so very much Vlado

if I say

  • name: Display the query results
    msg: "{{query_result.msg}}

I get the below

“msg”: “All items completed”

I couldn’t get the below, what ever I put in my debug statement. Is there is something I should do in order to get the below messages ? Thanks again for your help.

“msg”: [

- name: Display the query results
        msg: "{{query_result.msg}}

I get the below
  "msg": "All items completed"

I couldn't get the below, what ever I put in my debug statement. Is there
is something I should do in order to get the below messages ? Thanks again
for your help.

                "msg": [
                        "Revoke EXECUTE on UTL_FILE from TESTDBA;"
                        "Revoke EXECUTE on UTL_FILE from TSTSCH;"

What you should do in order to get the above messages? Solve the mystery and
find out how you get the "msg" below. Perhaps?

Thanks Vlado,
I am new to Ansible. I tried "query_result.results’ etc. But no luck. Will really appreciate and also will learn at the same time if you can help me crack the mystery.

Thanks for all your help.

Thanks Vlado,
I am new to Ansible. I tried "query_result.results' etc. But no luck. Will really appreciate and also will learn at the
same time if you can help me crack the mystery.

Thanks for all your help.

Amand, you need to use the loop in the debug task as well:

- name: Display the query results
    msg: "{{query_result.msg}}
  loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}"


Thanks Rache,
This didn’t solve the issue. I need to read the content in the “msg” in “results” section

Thanks Rache,
This didn't solve the issue. I need to read the content in the "msg" in "results" section

What's the output when you run it in a loop as suggested?


That was reading the first msg

“msg”: “All items completed”

We want to read the msg in results

“msg”: [