Filter out text from a json object created by an ansible register

How do I take only the text from the below from json created by an ansible register

I have this

  • name: Display the query results
    msg: “{{ query_result }}”

and I get [[“TESTDBA”]], I want the value to be TESTDBA. Basically I am passing this value to another parameter in the same playbook like the below

roles: “{{query_result.msg }}”

The value you're looking for is the first item of the first list

     - debug:
         msg: "{{ query_result.0.0 }}"


    "msg": "TESTDBA"



Thanks for your help. I may be asking a simple question. I am new to ansible, so trying to learn.

This is what I need to understand.

  1. Run the below

sql: select grantee FROM DBA_SYS_PRIVS where PRIVILEGE=‘INSERT ANY TABLE’ and grantee not like ‘SYS’ and grantee != ‘WMSYS’ and grantee != ‘DBA’ and grantee != ‘IMP_FULL_DATABASE’;
register: query_result

The query result will be the users in the DB has DBA_SYS_PRIVS and it can be more than one.I want to iterate the below task passing the username dynamically.

  1. The query_result have to be iterated in the below
  • name: This playbook will grant or revoke privilges in the user.
    user: “{{user}}”
    password: “{{password}}”
    service_name: “{{sname}}”
    port: “{{prt}}”
    hostname: “{{hostname}}”
    state: absent
    roles: “{{ query_result }}”
    quiet: false
    environment: “{{oracle_env}}”
    register: user_privs
    delegate_to: localhost

The result I get from the query_result is something like this [[“TESTDBA”], [“TESTDBA2”]]

I want to know how to pass this variable removing the square brackets and the roles in the task

Just this made the trick. Thanks very much

roles: “{{item}}”
quiet: false
environment: “{{oracle_env}}”
register: user_privs
with_items : “{{query_result.msg}}”