json filter

I have been trying to work with the filter for json responces but i am not having much luck. I can print out a line of intrest, but i am not able to iteriate over the other objects in the response when i try to loop through it.

Here is the response i get from the uri call :

TASK [debug var assets] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
“msg”: {
“data”: [
“attributes”: {
“assetLastBackupStatuses”: ,
“assetSubscriptions”: ,
“assetType”: “Virtual Machine”,
“description”: “Owner - name, Project: IDM”,
“discoveryHosts”: [
“hostName”: “server01”,
“ipAddress”: “x.x.x.x”,
“uuid”: “someuid”
“displayName”: “server01.domain.com”,
“extendedAttributes”: {
“annotation”: “Owner - Name, Project: IDM”,
“cluster”: “Cluster01”,
“connectionState”: “connected”,
“datacenter”: “DC01”,
“datastore”: “DS01”,
“displayName”: “server01.domain.com”,
“dnsName”: “server01.domain.com”,
“guestId”: “windows8Server64Guest”,
“host”: “host01.domain.com”,
“hostName”: “x.x.x.x”,
“hostPath”: “Engineering Resource”,
“instanceUuid”: “someuuid”,
“ipAddress”: x.x.x.x",
“mor”: “vm-921”,
“network”: “dvPortGroup_vLAN##”,
“nicIpaddresses”: “(x.x.x.x)”,
“path”: “Engineering Resource”,
“powerState”: “poweredOn”,
“snapshotDir”: “DS01”,
“template”: “false”,
“uuid”: “someuuid”,
“vCenter”: “vcenter.domain.com”,
“vCenterVersion”: “5.5.0”,
“version”: “vmx-08”,
“vmAbsolutePath”: “/vcenter01.domain.com/Engineering/Engineering Resource/host.domain.com”,
“vmxDir”: “DS01”
“firstDiscoveredTime”: “2018-09-26T14:14:30.775Z”,
“lastDiscoveredTime”: “2019-05-09T19:26:52.950Z”,
“masters”: [
“hostName”: “nbumaster01”,
“ipAddress”: “x.x.x.x”,
“uuid”: “someuid”
“protectionMethods”: ,
“providerGeneratedId”: “VMware_5001b01e-651c-f63c-3b24-e279fb1b8fd4”,
“version”: “5.5.0”,
“workloadType”: “VMware”
“id”: “d329683a-1af7-4a42-b2e5-afd34f9d693a”,
“links”: {
“self”: {
“href”: “/assets/d329683a-1af7-4a42-b2e5-afd34f9d693a”
“relationships”: {
“assetGroups”: {
“data”: ,
“links”: {
“self”: {
“href”: “/assets/d329683a-1af7-4a42-b2e5-afd34f9d693a/asset-groups”
“type”: “asset”


Here is the code i am working with so far:

I have tried using multiple variants, but i have not had any luck.


  • name : debug var assets
    msg: “{{assets.json}}”
  • name : debug json value
    msg: “{{assets.json.data[0].attributes.assetType}}”
  • name : debug json value
    msg: “{{assets.json.data[0].attributes.displayName}}”
  • name: display all displaynames
    var: item
    loop: “{{assets.json | json_query(‘attributes.displayName’)}}”


When something 'is json' it is a string with content that is supposed
to be JSON parsable, so you cannot access the structure directly, you
need to convert it firs via from_json filtert:

      msg: "{{(assets.json|from_json).data[0].attributes.assetType}}"