jinja woes

I really want better fp support for collections.

With the following, where state defaults to enabled


I want a task like:


  • name: Enable plugins
    names: “{{rabbitmq_plugins.filter(p => p.state is not defined or p.state == ‘enabled’).map(_.name).join(‘,’)}}
    new_only: yes
    state: enabled
    with_items: rabbitmq_plugins


  • rabbitmq restart

Where of course the expression for ‘names’ is a dream. Its seems so painful to work with collections.
I know can create a template and use a lookup, or create a filter plugin. But it should be easier.

Any nuggets out there from the ansible gurus?

So I ended up with

{% for plugin in rabbitmq_plugins if plugin.state is not defined or plugin.state == ‘enabled’ -%}
{{plugin.name}}{% if not loop.last %}{{‘,’}}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


Not terrible, but…