Jinja template regex search for a specific word or up to a specific character

I’m trying to search for a specific string from a var and while it finds it, it prints the whole line and not the exact match I’m looking for. I’m running ansible 2.9

Here is what it finds: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1 “outside1”, is up, line protocol is up

And what I’m looking for is everything up to ", or better yet any specific word in that line Interface GigabitEthernet0/1 “outside1”,

Here is my template:

    {% for interface in show_interface.stdout_lines[0] %}
    {% if interface | regex_findall('Interface*.*\"\,',multiline=True) %}
    {{interface | string}}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
Here is my ansible-playbook task:

- name: execute firewall interface review
      - show interface | grep up
  register: show_interface

- name: print var data
   var: show_interface.stdout_lines

- name: format interface data with template
    src: firewall_format.j2
    dest: ./firewall_interface_facts.txt
  delegate_to: localhost