How to use a variable inside of a regex string? (search filter)

It looks like this is working, but I get an error. Does anyone know the proper way to do this? Thanks!

- name: configure hostname
      - ip domain-name {{ domain_name }}
  when: not ansible_net_config | search("(ip domain-name {{ domain_name }}|ip domain name {{ domain_name }})")

[WARNING]: when statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: not ansible_net_config | search(“(ip domain-name {{ domain_name }}|ip domain name {{
domain_name }})”)

According to the template documentation[1] ~ (tilde) is used for concatenation of strings, so is just a matter of concatenate the elements.

when: not ansible_net_config | search("(ip domain-name " ~ domain_name ~ "|ip domain name " ~ domain_name ~ ")")


Works, thank you!