iteration over list of dictionaries.


I’m trying to iterate over this list of dictionaries but I got:

“One or more undefined variables: ‘hostname’ is undefined”.


  • name: LXC - creating directory
    file: path={{ lxc_dir }}/{{ item.hostname}} owner=root group=root owner=755
    with_items: containers


lxc_dir: “/var/lib/lxc”
containers: [
hostname : “test”,
lxc_rootfs : ‘{{ lxc_dir }}/{{ hostname }}/rootfs’,
lxc_mount : ‘{{ lxc_dir }}/{{ hostname }}/fstab’,
lxc_utsname : ‘{{ hostname }}’,
lxc_arch : ‘{{ ansible_architecture }}’,
lxc_ip_addr : “”,
lxc_prefix_ip_addr : “24”,
lxc_broadcast_addr : “”, : ‘{{ lxc_ip_addr }}/{{ lxc_prefix_ip_addr }} {{ lxc_broadcast_addr }}’, : “”,
lxc_network_type : ‘{{ | default(veth) }}’,
lxc_network_flags : ‘{{ | default(up) }}’,
lxc_network_link : ‘{{ | default(link) }}’

try item[0].hostname

It doesn’t work.

I tried with:

  • name: LXC - Debug
    debug: msg={{item.[0].hostname}}
    with_items: containers

ok: [] => (item={‘hostname’: ‘test’, ‘lxc_utsname’: u’{{hostname}}‘, ‘lxc_network_flags’: u’{{| default(up)}}‘, ‘lxc_arch’: u’x86_64’, ‘lxc_ip
_addr’: ‘’, ‘lxc_rootfs’: u’{{lxc_dir}}/{{hostname}}/rootfs’, ‘lxc_network_link’: u’{{| default(link)}}‘, ‘lxc_prefix_ip_addr’: ‘24’, ‘lxc_br
oadcast_addr’: ‘’, ‘lxc_network_type’: u’{{| default(veth)}}‘, ‘lxc_mount’: u’{{lxc_dir}}/{{hostname}}/fstab’, ‘’: u’{{lxc_ip
_addr}}/{{lxc_prefix_ip_addr}} {{lxc_broadcast_addr}}', ‘’: ‘’}) => {
“item”: {
“hostname”: “test”,
“”: “{{lxc_ip_addr}}/{{lxc_prefix_ip_addr}} {{lxc_broadcast_addr}}”,
“”: “”,
“lxc_arch”: “x86_64”,
“lxc_broadcast_addr”: “”,
“lxc_ip_addr”: “”,
“lxc_mount”: “{{lxc_dir}}/{{hostname}}/fstab”,
“lxc_network_flags”: “{{| default(up)}}”,
“lxc_network_link”: “{{| default(link)}}”,
“lxc_network_type”: “{{| default(veth)}}”,
“lxc_prefix_ip_addr”: “24”,
“lxc_rootfs”: “{{lxc_dir}}/{{hostname}}/rootfs”,
“lxc_utsname”: “{{hostname}}”
“msg”: “{{item.[0].hostname}}”

No success obtaining the dictionary values.

could you change the vars definition to:

   - hostname : "test"
      lxc_rootfs : '{{ lxc_dir }}/{{ hostname }}/rootfs'
      lxc_mount : '{{ lxc_dir }}/{{ hostname }}/fstab'

this should make item.hostname work

never mind, it wasn't that, these are the problem:

        lxc_rootfs : '{{ lxc_dir }}/{{ hostname }}/rootfs',
        lxc_mount : '{{ lxc_dir }}/{{ hostname }}/fstab',
        lxc_utsname : '{{ hostname }}',

the 'hostname' variable you are referencing there does not exist. If
you are trying to reference the key in the same dictionary, that will
not work.

It worked.

  • name: LXC - Debug
    debug: msg={{ item.hostname }}
    with_items: containers

containers: [
hostname : “test”,
lxc_rootfs : “{{ lxc_dir }}/test/rootfs”,
lxc_mount : “{{ lxc_dir }}/test/fstab”,
lxc_utsname : “test”,
lxc_arch : “{{ ansible_architecture }}”,
lxc_network_ipv4 : “”,
lxc_network_ipv4_gateway : “”,
lxc_network_type : “{{ | default(veth) }}”,
lxc_network_flags : “{{ | default(up) }}”,
lxc_network_link : “{{ | default(link) }}”,

Thanks a lot.


no dot, afaik

also, when reporting errors, helpfully provide the output you get too.