iterate over vars[dict_name] for multiple dicts

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
        name: neo4j
        name: api_service
        pid: /var/api/pid
    - debug:
        msg: "{{|default('/var/run/{{}}/{{}}.pid')}}"

You cant't nest {{ }}

          - "{{ vars[service] }}"

ansible-playbook play.yml --extra-vars service=api-service

how will I debug both dictionaries?
  I know that I can't give
     --extra-vars service=api-service,neo4j or as a llist

or is there any way to dynamically iterate using user given dictionaries.

You could do something like this

   - debug:
       msg: "{{ vars[item].pid | default('/var/run/' ~ vars[item].name ~ '/' ~ vars[item].name ~ '.pid')}}"
         - "{{ service.split(',') }}"

And then you can use a comma separated values in --extra-vars

Thank you, dude.
It worked perfectly.