I try to setup a cron task using ansible (indeed) on my db slave pool.
This cron task is supposed to stop the replication process, dump the database and restart replication.
Because the backup takes a little time, I don’t want to init the cron task at the same time on all the db slaves and I don’t want to stop all the slaves at the same times either.
My first idea was to set a different time while looping on the group.
But it’s definitely not as trivial as it seems :
- name: database backup cron task
cron: name=“database backup” hour={{ item.key }} user=“root” job=“backup_db.sh” cron_file=database_backup
with_dict: groups.mysql
The point is an inventory group is a list, not a dictionnary and I cannot find any simple way to convert a list to a dict (whereas it’s easy to convert a dict as a list)
I also tried to use the group list instead, but I cannot figure out how I can get an iterator key.
Did I miss something ? Do you have any clue regarding my (not so complex imho) problem ?