how to generate an iterable on with_items with the attributes of a group's members ??

Hi guys, suppose i have this task like the one below, where i want all servers from the haproxy group to access a specific mysql database 

I think I read that joining two lists (thats what they are) is done
using a plus sign:

with_items: groups['haproxy'] + groups['foobar']

In your case you do not have a second list foobar, you want to iterate
over the first list but get another item, not the name that is in the
inventory (ansible_hostname) but something else. I do not know if that
is possible.


I don't think you can do this in one task since host: need to have to different values.

So split in two tasks, one with

     host: "{{ item }}"
   with_items: groups['haproxy']

and the second with

     host: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_fqdn'] }}"
   with_items: groups['haproxy']