Newbie to Ansible, but I already made a lot of things with it.
One thing, though, I can’t do is re-use a task file for adhoc commands or re-use a playbook in another playbook :
For example, I use a task file (R_packages.yml) in a role, that starts like this :
- name: Recuperation de la version de R installee
win_shell: (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall* | Where-Object DisplayName -like “R for Win*”).DisplayVersion
register: Rversion
I’d like to be able to launch it with an ad hoc command like :
ansible-playbook R_packages.yml …
But it doesn’t work :
ERROR! ‘register’ is not a valid attribute for a Play
I had to create a playbook to launch it :
- hosts: fst-win-tp-bio
gather_facts: “false”
tasks: - name: Install packages R
import_tasks: /etc/ansible/roles/fst-win-tp-bio/tasks/R_packages.yml
I didn’t fond anything in the doc that makes me understand how I could make an “hybrid” task/playbook file I could launch both ways
To be clear : This task file is part of a role, and I like to be able to use it from times to times on adhoc command.
Thanks for your help