I have installed AWX operator on minikube following the guide here.
I am fairly new to minikube/k8s so please forgive my ignorance.
My system is in an offline environment so I have had to take the steps below to set it up:
- Install dependencies
sudo dnf install minikube.rpm gcc unzip git
- Load the k8s images with
minikube image load
- Copy the git repo to the machine and add binaries to bin/
- Checkout the relevant tags
git checkout tags/2.9.0; export VERSION=2.9.0
- Compile
make deploy
- Create kustomization.yaml with the contents
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- config/default/
- name: quay.io/ansible/awx-operator
newTag: 2.9.0
namespace: awx
- Apply and wait for the operator pods
kubectl apply -k .
- Create an awx-demo.yml file with the following info:
apiVersion: awx.ansible.com/v1beta1
kind: AWX
name: awx-demo
service_type: nodeport
- https://<hostname>
- https://<fqdn>
- Add the new demo file to kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- config/default/
- awx-demo.yml
- name: quay.io/ansible/awx-operator
newTag: 2.9.0
namespace: awx
- Apply and wait for the task and web pods
kubectl apply -k .
This is a high-level explanation of the steps I took. There is an nginx proxy sitting in front of the setup which allows web access, which works as expected.
The issue I am having is following the custom CA cert guide here.
When I create the secrets with the following commands:
kubectl create secret generic awx-demo-custom-certs --from-file=ldap-ca.crt=RootCA.pem --from-file=bundle-ca.crt=ca-bundle.crt
The secrets are created and I can inspect them with no issues kubectl get secret awx-demo-custom-certs -o jsonpath=".data.ldap-ca\.crt" | base64 --decode
The issue comes when I add the certs to the awx-demo.yml file
apiVersion: awx.ansible.com/v1beta1
kind: AWX
name: awx-demo
service_type: nodeport
ldap_cacert_secret: awx-demo-custom-certs
bundle_cacert_secret: awx-demo-custom-certs
- https://<hostname>
- https://<fqdn>
When added like this the pods will attempt to start up but fail, endlessly cycling. I’ve tried to get the logs for this but the only thing I see is that the container is no longer considered valid.
I did find some other guides that walked through this operation on k3s but nothing seems to work.
I’ve also tried creating the certificates with the kustomization.yaml file which worked but I got the same error when trying to deploy.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.