Hello everyone,
I am quite new to Ansible, and I think it is much easier to use than e.
g. Puppet.
I have to make sure that software package A is installed on a host, if
software package B is not.
Since I use this role on SLES: is there any chance to use e.g. the
zypper modukle for that purpose?
Currently, I invoke a command to check if B is installed, and if it is
not, I call the zypper module to make sure A is installed:
=== snip ===
- name: query rubygem-facter
command: rpm -q rubygem2.1-rubygem-facter
ignore_errors: true
register: ch_rpm2
failed_when: ch_rpm2.rc > 1
changed_when: false
- name: install facter
zypper: name=facter state=present
when: ch_rpm2|failed
=== pins ===
Is there any more ansible-style way to get this done?
I can't simply install facter, since it is an older version. The attempt
to install facter on a host where rubygem2.1-rubygem-facter is already
installed causes an error, and I do not like avoidable errors in my
roles, they are often misleading
OTOH, not each system can fulfill the dependencies for
rubygem2.1-rubygem-facter - like Ruby 2.1. SLES 11 does not have this as
standard, and its annoying to add it here, because it almost always
causes troubles with the ruby-based software on the host.