If I get you right, you’d like to have some sort of task template you could reuse in your playbook, with overridable parameters.
If so, you could use a YAML anchor; here is a (truncated) example showing two tasks to deploy containers, with an anchor allowing the second one to reuse (and then override) some parameters:
- name: "Create 'netbox' container"
community.docker.docker_container: &netbox
name: "{{ 'netbox_' + dst_netbox_env|d('staging')|lower + '_netbox' }}"
image: "{{ 'netboxcommunity/netbox:' + dst_netbox_netbox_image_version }}"
restart_policy: unless-stopped
- 80:8080/tcp
- name: "{{ 'br_netbox_' + dst_netbox_env|d('staging')|lower }}"
test: curl --fail --silent http://localhost:8080/api/ &>/dev/null || exit 1
interval: 15s
start_period: 60s
timeout: 3s
retries: 3
state: started
'*': strict
register: _dst_netbox_container_netbox_output
notify: Docker-container-healthcheck
- name: "Create 'netbox-worker' container"
<<: *netbox
name: "{{ 'netbox_' + dst_netbox_env|d('staging')|lower + '_netbox-worker' }}"
command: ['/opt/netbox/venv/bin/python', '/opt/netbox/netbox/manage.py', 'rqworker']
test: pgrep [r]qworker &>/dev/null || exit 1
interval: 15s
start_period: 20s
timeout: 3s
retries: 3
published_ports: []
Another more Ansible-focused option would be to use a role in which you define your task once and reuse it in your playbooks using, like so:
- name: Update installed packages on GNU/Linux nodes
gather_facts: false
hosts: '!excluded,!windows'
become: true
- name: "[INCLUDE] Include tasks from role"
name: gbt_packages
tasks_from: update_packages.yml
Then in your case, you’d just have to pass another variable set depending on which packages you’d like to install.
You could even include the whole role, assuming you don’t want to specifically pinpoint one single task, like this:
- name: Update installed packages on GNU/Linux nodes
gather_facts: false
hosts: '!excluded,!windows'
become: true
- role: gbt_packages
Now writing a role for a single task might be overkill, but why not ? You could also write a role as a toolbox containing multiple tasks you’d like to reuse elsewhere.
Edit: Trimmed my example a bit more, as you don’t need all this mostly irrelevant info.