Introducing "Ansible Collab"

We’ve had Ansible Contributor Summits since 2016, and they have been an integral part of AnsibleFest since then. During the pandemic, we were able to organize several Contributor Summits virtually in addition to AnsibleFest.

As the Ansible Community is growing and event formats changing (AnsibleFest is no longer a standalone event, it is now part of Red Hat Summit), we are also adapting to the gathering needs of the Community.

Last year (2023) we introduced Ansible Community Day, a series of events with more of a user focus, alongside Ansible Contributor Summit. However, there’s overlap and confusion as to whom the events are intented for, especially when some of the happenings were scheduled too close together.

So for 2024 we are rolling out Ansible Collab, which is not an entirely new event, but which builds on top of both Ansible Contributor Summit and Ansible Community Day. Ansible Collab is designed for YOU, the community. Everyone using Ansible is welcome, from upstream to AAP users, from collection creators to project developers!

Furthermore, I hope Ansible Collab can provide a cool identity for Ansible community events, akin to CentOS Connect and Flock to Fedora.

We hope to see you at an Ansible Collab - the first one is coming up shortly in Ghent!