Introduce yourself! (2023 edition)

Hi, I’m James.

I’m an “Orchestration & Automation Engineer” for a Datacenter business with presence throughout the UK.
I’ve been using Ansible for 4 or so years almost daily, but still constantly learning something new, particularly since I started module/plugin development.
I’ve written a few internal modules for work, but most recently I’ve been contributing modules and plugins into the “morpheus.core” collection.

Hopefully, by signing up here, I’ll learn even more!

- name: Greetings
    msg: "Hello Ansible Community!"

Hello everyone :sunny:

I’m Pavel, a loving father and husband from Slovakia. I’m interested in history, space, physics and fantasy and detective novels. I’m very open people person, 3d print hobbyist and also cat servant. :joy_cat: who is always struggling with weight. :man_shrugging:t2: :bacon: :heart:

I’m Tech Lead & Platform Automation Expert, currently with major central European financial institution. As seasoned enterprise developer with strong engineering background somehow I’m able to translate fluently between many business and technical levels. I’m a passionate about DevOps, security, architecture and all kinds of automation. Occasionally I speak at events and provide hard skills trainings or workshops.

I love enabling people to help themselves by automating the hell out of various SDLC platform services. Working alongside and talking to multiple product developer and engineering teams, satisfying business needs through harmonisation, architecture, kind beneficial collaboration and assurance of management air support is what I do. Not being killed by thousand Jira tickets is my daily tea. :tea:

We are using Ansible also in some unique, hopefully clever ways in orchestration with plenty of other tools and services. Honestly, you name it, we most probably got it, sometimes twice. I’m looking for a likeminded community of Ansible users, developers, enthusiasts and everyone willing to share their knowledge, stories and opinions.

I’m relentless learner, reading technical books, listening talks and recently conference networking addict. In fact I’m writing this from Brno, Czech Republic after packed 3 days DevConfCZ conference where I met a lot of great people. Some have encouraged me to step up and get out to share and contribute to community. So here I am, hoping to be an asset rather than liability :slight_smile:


i am new to ansible and want to leanr more about ansible for linux rhel8


Hi Everyone!
Glad to see you guys, I am a new user but already using AWX 1 year ago
Hope i can learn more value here


Hi Everyone,

I’m an Australian who started using Ansible in 2012 (before roles), while based in Vancouver, B.C., wrote an Elasticbeanstalk module back in 2017/2018 and haven’t been using Ansible much since then. I now have some time on my hands to get back into it and reconnect with the community. I’m now based in Los Angeles.

Shout out to John, Will, Jessie and David. I attended Ansiblefest (SanFrancisco) in 2014, my last Ansiblefest was in Austin in 2018 where I got to have dinner with John and Will. I look forward to seeing everyone in the future. I’m a co-organizer on the Ansible Vancouver Meetup looking to hand off this role to someone local to Vancouver.

Best to reach out to me on this forum or github.

I’m off to go kick the tyres on this AWX thing :wink:



My name is André Muniz, I’m from Brazil and I’ve been working with IT/Linux for more than 12 years and I’ve been using Ansible in some projects in my work, I’d like to share a little and sometimes I have some problems and I’d like to ask here.

I hope to contribute to many things here, I’m still new here and sometimes there are things that are new to me…


Hi everyone
I am Frank. I live in the US, Virginia and I have five years of experience in software testing ( Manual & automation ). A few months ago, I decided to change my field within IT, focusing on Linux Administrator & Ansible automation tool. I’ve finished some courses online and I am ready to practice on real projects to improve my skills and find relevant job opportunities. I would appreciate any suggestions you can provide on how to make this transition successful.


At first it might seem like the tires are kicking back, but it’s soooo worth it.


Hello Everyone.
I am called Kouti Divine from Cameroon and i am eager to contribute to the ansible community.
I am currently taking a course on ansible using Infosec Skills. I am interested in open source contributions and i decided to go with ansible.
I can code in JavaScript, Python, Bash Script and a little of C. I understand and can use Git/GitHub very well too.

I have forked and cloned the ansible/ansible to my local system but don’t know what to do next. I read the documentation and I think i have to create a branch then make changes to that branch and then do a pull request. But i am not so sure. So I was hoping someone could help me by giving me a walkthrough so i could be up to speed and also start contributing to the project.

Thank you and I am happy to be here.


When you fork the repository, you should have kouts/ansible (assuming that’s what your github username is). You will want to clone the kouts/ansible repository instead of ansible/ansible. Create a new branch, I recommend naming it using a short description of the intended changes, and then switch to or checkout that branch in your local clone. Make your changes and commit them back up to kouts/ansible. When you’re ready to submit a Pull Request, I would do that from instead of from command line. This will go from your kouts/ansible fork to the official ansible/ansible repository. Then the core ansible team (or other contributors) may review your code, recommend changes, or run automated tests to ensure quality of the changes before it can be merged.

Edit: I hope I don’t seem rude from over-explaining. I just want to be thorough to help you since I’m unsure about which part you are confused about. Unless you meant you want to contribute, but don’t know what to even work on.


Hello. Thank you very much for the explanations…

The explanations are clear. Thank you. Ill try playing around and if i face any difficulties ill ask. Thank you very much


I am Gunnar.

  • Open Source enthusiast
  • redhat sceptic
  • postgres DBA
  • ansible intermediate

I praise the ansible commnity as really helpful and friendly on top :+1: :+1: :+1:


Hi Gunnar!
Nice to have you with us. If you have some good roles or playbooks for Postgres I would be happy if you share them with us. Because I have to learn Postgres now and write roles for it. I don’t know why, but somehow Postgres is much more complicated than MySQL or MongoDB.

With the forum reaching 1 year old, and this topic approaching 200 replies, I think it’s time to start a new one. Keep it coming folks :slight_smile: