Install AWX on RHEL8

Can anyone please give me clear AWX instllation guide for RHEL8!

I googled it myself but most of the blogs are about Centos but not RHEL8.

Kindly someone please share me at earliest.

Thanks in Advance!


first of all: No my google fu is not better than yours and I can’t give you a link to a AWX RHEL8 resource.

  1. You don’t mention which awx version you are referring to. Are you referring to the latest versions which let you decide between container based installations? Are you aware that the standard container image for RHEL8 is podman and not docker and awx currently offers no installation via podman?
  2. What’s the issue with the installation guide for centos8? Did you read them? Is there a specific point that can’t be transferred to RHEL8?

My advice: If you want to install awx as smoothless as possible to have it up and running, use RHEL7. If you want to install awx on RHEL8 for fun and science, then use the resources that are available via google and if you can’t make it on your own from there, stay to RHEL7.

Kind Regards,

Hi Philip,
Thanks for the insights. I want to convey my frustration on AWX setup. I intend to have a AWX setup completely in container based install, ie, setting up AWX task container and web container. I am unlucky to find a URL which has sequence of steps on setting up AWX task and web container on Cent OS 7


Hello Vijay.

Use this:


Thanks a million Braier !


A terça, 23 de jun de 2020, 18:44, Vijay Ravindran <> escreveu: