I’m sending my users an email, not a notification, via a task at the end of the play. I want to send them a link to the job they just ran. I would like to make that variable a part of the template. What variable do I use?
- name: Email the requestor the status of their renewal
host: mail.host
port: 25
subject: "Certificate Renewal by Definition invoked for {{ fqdn }}"
body: "{{ lookup('template', ('certificatedefinitionlog_body.txt.j2')) }}"
- "{{ email_contact }}"
charset: us-ascii
delegate_to: localhost
Given this line as a part of certificatedefinitionlog_body.txt.j2, how do I inject information about the running task? And, actually, this job is the last job template in a workflow job. How would I link to that workflow job? Or is there a variable I can use to inject the System variable for Miscellaneous\Base URL?
{{ ansible_user }} launched a Certificate renewal by Definition Document on your certificate, {{ fqdn }}. The renewal log can be viewed at {{ ??? }}
ChatGPT and my searches indicated I should be able to use variables with names like {{tower.??}}, {{awx.??}}, and {{job.??}}. That advice was bogus. As nearly as I can tell, this is not something many people are doing. That’s a surprise to me. I have mildly trained people running AWX automations from Powershell, and I want to email them a link to their workflow job log. I would not have expected this to be as hard as it turns out to be.
Heres a list of variables set while running a job template from tower (they are listed towards the end of this section. and these are in addition to the variables above.): 16. Job Templates — Ansible Tower User Guide v3.5.0