This was previously working, but about a month ago, after an update, it stopped. This is for my home network. I have 3 Kubuntu computers, 1 working as a server, with Ansible installed, 2 client workstations.
This is the error message - “fatal: [desktop1]: FAILED! => {“msg”: “Incorrect sudo password”}”
I can log into all 3 computers with the same ID and same password. Once there I can run 'sudo apt-get update (or upgrade), on all 3. Root is disabled in Ubuntu, but for attemping to figure this out, I enabled it and set the password to be the same as mine on one of the machines. Same error.
I setup passwordless SSH keys on each of computers. I can ssh into the server and then ssh into each of the clients from the server.
On the server, in my home directory, I have a folder called playbooks. In it I have 3 files. 1 - update.yml, 2 -, 3 - secret.
When I run ‘ansible-vault edit secret’, I can see ‘ansible_sudo_pass: xxxxxxx’ (xxxxxx replaces my real password). contains only 1 line: ‘ansible-playbook update.yml --ask-vault-pass’. When I run this, it asks for the vault password, then shows the task names where it errors out.
update.yml contains the following lines: