Hi team,
With ansible 2 in mind …
The below playbook run fine
name: add
hosts: docker-host
tasks: -
name: test
shell: “su - jumbo -c ‘cd /tmp ; ls’”
register: out
failed_when: “out.rc != 0” -
debug: “msg=‘out: {{out.rc}}’”
However I have another one
name: test1-web-au
hosts: test1-web-au
tasks: -
name: make
shell: “su - jumbo -c ‘cd {{SITE_DIR}}/{{APP_DIR}} && make’”
register: result
failed_when: “result.rc != 0” -
debug: “msg=‘DEBUG: {{result}}’”
The second one give error:
fatal: [test1-web-au]: FAILED! => {“failed”: true, “msg”: “The conditional check ‘result.rc != 0’ failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (result.rc != 0): ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘rc’”}
The only difference is that the make command ouput a lot of text. Somehow result.rc is not a value anymore, it is a dict. This is very inconsistent .
Trying to look into the debug message, clearly they have different keys
The one that is normal
“msg”: “DEBUG: {u’changed’: True, u’end’: u’2016-02-09 04:56:47.752599’, u’stdout’: u’behat_style.xml\nbin\nbugfree.json\nbugfree-testing.json\ncache\ncomposer.json\ncomposer.lock\nconf\nconfig.rb\ndoc\ngrunt\nGruntfile.js\njibs\nkarma.conf.js\nlib\nlocale\nMakefile\nMakefile_help.mak\nnode_modules\nnpm-shrinkwrap.json\npackage.json\nphpunit.xml\nscripts\nscss\nskel\nsql\nsrc\nstyleguide\ntesting\ntmp\nvendor\nweb’, u’cmd’: u"su - jumbo -c ‘cd /www/sites/test1_web_au && ls’", u’start’: u’2016-02-09 04:56:47.701976’, u’delta’: u’0:00:00.050623’, u’stderr’: u’‘, u’rc’: 0, ‘stdout_lines’: [u’behat_style.xml’, u’bin’, u’bugfree.json’, u’bugfree-testing.json’, u’cache’, u’composer.json’, u’composer.lock’, u’conf’, u’config.rb’, u’doc’, u’grunt’, u’Gruntfile.js’, u’jibs’, u’karma.conf.js’, u’lib’, u’locale’, u’Makefile’, u’Makefile_help.mak’, u’node_modules’, u’npm-shrinkwrap.json’, u’package.json’, u’phpunit.xml’, u’scripts’, u’scss’, u’skel’, u’sql’, u’src’, u’styleguide’, u’testing’, u’tmp’, u’vendor’, u’web’], u’warnings’: [u"Consider using ‘become’, ‘become_method’, and ‘become_user’ rather than running su"]}”
And the one with long output - the rc is in module_stdout so to access this need result.module_stdout.rc
“msg”: “DEBUG: {‘module_stderr’: u’‘, ‘changed’: False, ‘module_stdout’: u’{"changed": true, "end": "2016-02-09 04:53:09.033206", "stdout": "Installing dependences as per composer.lock.\\n\\u001b[30;43mWarning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running \\"./bin/composer self-update\\" to get the latest version.\\u001b[39;49m\\n\\u001b[32mLoading composer repositories with package information\\u001b[39m\\n\\u001b[32mInstalling dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file\\u001b[39m\\nNothing to install or update\\n\\u001b[32mGenerating optimized autoload files\\u001b[39m\\nInstalling dependences as per composer.lock.\\n\\u001b[30;43mWarning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running \\"./bin/composer self-update\\" to get the latest version.\\u001b[39;49m\\n\\u001b[32mLoading composer repositories with package information\\u001b[39m\\n\\u001b[32mInstalling dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file\\u001b[39m\\nNothing to install or update\\n\\u001b[32mGenerating optimized autoload files\\u001b[39m\\n - Checking for config updates\\n - Rebuilding css from scss\\n\\u001b[4mRunning \\"sass:dist\\" (sass) task\\u001b[24m\\n\\n\\u001b[32mDone, without errors.\\u001b[39m\\n\\n\\nExecution Time (2016-02-09 04:51:58 UTC)\\nsass:dist 1.9s \\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587\\u2587 100%\\nTotal 1.9s\\n\\n - Building meta based on current source.\\n\\r 1/8 [===>------------------------] 12% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 2/8 [=======>--------------------] 25% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 3/8 [==========>-----------------] 37% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 4/8 [==============>-------------] 50% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 5/8 [=================>----------] 62% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 6/8 [=====================>------] 75% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 7/8 [========================>—] 87% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 8/8 [============================] 100% Elapsed: 1 sec\\n - Building one ugly javascript file per site variant\\n\\r 1/3 [=========>------------------] 33% Elapsed: 1 sec Building: pub.AU \\r 2/3 [==================>---------] 66% Elapsed: 6 secs Building: admin.AU \\r 3/3 [============================] 100% Elapsed: 14 secs \\n - Building one ugly css file per site variant\\n\\r 1/1 [============================] 100% Elapsed: 1 sec\\n - Building swagger based on current meta.\\n\\r 1/7 [====>-----------------------] 14% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 2/7 [========>-------------------] 28% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 3/7 [============>---------------] 42% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 4/7 [================>-----------] 57% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 5/7 [====================>-------] 71% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 6/7 [========================>—] 85% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 7/7 [============================] 100% Elapsed: 1 sec\\n - Config sanity check.\\n - building apache vhosts.\\n - Restarting apache: - Building meta based on current source.\\n\\r 1/8 [===>------------------------] 12% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 2/8 [=======>--------------------] 25% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 3/8 [==========>-----------------] 37% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 4/8 [==============>-------------] 50% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 5/8 [=================>----------] 62% Elapsed: 1 sec\\r 6/8 [=====================>------] 75% Elapsed: 2 secs\\r 7/8 [========================>—] 87% Elapsed: 2 secs\\r 8/8 [============================] 100% Elapsed: 2 secs\\n-- node 1 –\\n No updates found\\n-- node 2 –\\n No updates found\\n-- node 3 –\\n No updates found\\n-- node 4 –\\n No updates found\\n-- node 128 –\\n No updates found\\n-- admin –\\n No updates found\\n-- cart –\\n No updates found\\n-- affiliate –\\n No updates found\\n-- metrics –\\n No updates found\\n - Creating sitemaps\\nInstalling dependences as per composer.lock.\\n\\u001b[30;43mWarning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running \\"./bin/composer self-update\\" to get the latest version.\\u001b[39;49m\\n\\u001b[32mLoading composer repositories with package information\\u001b[39m\\n\\u001b[32mInstalling dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file\\u001b[39m\\nNothing to install or update\\n\\u001b[32mGenerating optimized autoload files\\u001b[39m\\n - Restarting all daemons\\n - customer-locator (disabled)\\n - event-hub (running 9344)\\n - restart customer-locator\\n - restart event-hub\\n - customer-locator (disabled)\\n - event-hub (running 10125)\\n - Flushing web nodes.\\n - Initialising perl database cache.", "cmd": "su - jumbo -c \‘cd /www/sites/test1_web_au && make\’", "rc": 0, "start": "2016-02-09 04:51:15.791037", "stderr": "DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecated-webkit-gradient.scss\\nDEPRECATION WARNING: Passing 100%, a non-string value, to unquote()\\nwill be an error in future versions of Sass.\\n on line 27 of /www/sites/base_web/scss/bourbon/helpers/_deprecatedclose failed in file object destructor:\r\nError in sys.excepthook:\r\n\r\nOriginal exception was:\r\n’, ‘failed’: True, ‘msg’: u’MODULE FAILURE’, ‘parsed’: False}”
I think it is a bug.
please let me know what I am doing wrong, or I will file a bug report.
Kind regards