I have the following steps in a playbook:
name: check if .net 4.7.1 is installed
script: check_net_version.ps1 “4.7.1”
register: net471result
changed_when: false -
name: Install .Net 4.7.1
name: dotnet4.7.1
register: net471_exit_code
failed_when: net471_exit_code.rc != 0 and net471_exit_code.rc != 3010
when: ‘“missing” in net471result.stdout’ -
name: reboot node if needed
when: net471_exit_code.rc is defined and net471_exit_code.rc == 3010 and allow_reboot is defined and (allow_reboot | bool)
Check if software is missing (using a custom script because some weirdness), install if it is.
This has worked fine for us in Ansible 2.3.x which we’ve been on until now, but this fails in 2.5.0. Even if I add a check for making sure the “net471_exit_code” var exists altogether, it fails:
“msg”: “The conditional check ‘net471_exit_code.rc != 0 and net471_exit_code.rc != 3010’ failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (net471_exit_code.rc != 0 and net471_exit_code.rc != 3010): ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘rc’”
It seems to me that there’s some bug in how Ansible evaluates object attributes (or dict keys), so that “net471_exit_code.rc is defined” is picked up as a “true” instead of a “false”.
Anyone able to repro?